Kokufu Jinja Shrine Related to the Prince Yamato Takeru

Kokufu Jinja Shrine is an old shrine dedicating
the Prince Yamato Takeru on a small hill beside a busy way on between
Ichikawa and
Matsudo. According to some legends, a stork guided him the way to go across
Edogawa River when he marched to go to
Musashi from
Shimousa, then he gave the area to the stork and he named it Konodai (storks' hill).
Edo Meisho Zue (a guide book describing
Edo in
Edo period), this area was introduced as in Konodai. On the other hand, it was named
since there was the provincial office (kokufu) on the hill (dai).
Kokufu Jinja Shrine tells some legends of the Prince Yamato Takeru and
the history of this area. Why don't you visit it?
Kokufu Jinja Shrine
Kokufu Jinja Shrine
Kokufu Jinja Shrine is an old shrine built in 1087. Some call this shrine
Ootori Oogami (the great god like a big bird). When the Prince Takeru Yamato
searched for the way to go across Edogawa River from the eastern bank to
the west during the battles in the eastern provinces, a stork flew to him
and told him the way, so he and his arm could cross the river in safe.
Then he gave the land near the eastern bank to the stork and he named it
Konodai (storks' hill). Therefore, the shrine dedicates the Prince. Later,
this shrine was moved here and the main hall was built in 1968.
Kokufu Jinja Shrine
According to some stories, the Prince Takeru Yamato, a son of the 12th
Emperor Keiko, camped on this hill after he had conquered Shimousa province
in his battles in east. And he wanted to go to Musashi, but there were
some rivers flowing and formed some deltas on between Shimousa and Musashi,
he thought and thought to go across them on foot without boats.
At that time, a stork flew to him and told politely 'I tell you a shallow point, please come after me!' The prince and his arm followed it and they could reach at the hill in Musashi.
The prince praised the stork and he gave the hill where they had camped.
After that, the hill has been called 'Konodai (storks' hill). (Generally,
it was the land name that the provincial office (kokufu) had been in.)
Kokufu Jinja Shrine was built in Febuary 2nd of 1087 based on some legends,
so it dedicates the Prince Takeru Yamato and the principle image of it
is a bill of a stork. Once, it was called Houo Daimyojin Shrine, but it
was built near the remains of the provincial office of Shimousa, then it
has been called Kokufu Jinja. In the site, there are other two small shrines,
Inari Jinaja and Tenma Jinja dedicated.
March 1992
Ichikawashi Board of Education
Kokufu Jinja Shrine
- Kokufu Jinja Shrine has great accessibilities from both Narita and Haneda International Airport.
- From Narita International Airport, take Keisei-line and get off Ichikawamama Sta or Konodai Sta, take minimally 45 minutes from Narita Airport. And also take JR Sobu-express line, transfer the line at Funabashi to Keisei-line, get off Ichikawamama Sta or Konodai Sta.
- From Haneda International Airport, take Keikyu-line bound to Narita, and get off Ichikawamama Sta or Konodai Sta.
- Take 6 minute walk from Konodai Sta and take 20 minute walk from Ichikawa Sta.
- 4-4-18 Ichikawa, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba-ken
The Noted Spots near Kokufu Jinja and Edogawa River
The short summary of Edogawa River.
Irises, Kawazu Sakura and many kinds of flowers blooming.
People enjoy seeing the nature and culture in the areas.
It has about 900 years history and dedicates Ieyasu Tokugawa.
The park is the noted scenic spot to see cherry blossoms, roses and colored leaves with many historical heritages.
This temple is famous for Yoko no Matsu, a huge black pine tree designated as a National Natural Property.
It has been carrying people since Edo period.
Kokufu Jinja Shrine
It dedicates the Prince Takeru Yamato, one of the great hero in classic
It connects to Maeda Family in Kaga and Mamasan Guhoji.
Musashi Miyamoto and Basho Matsuo had passed the road.
It is a popular park with many trees, sakura and so on.
Visitors could see horses from the bank of Edogawa River.
It was much flourished as one of the Eastern Gates of Edo in Edo period.
There are some shadows of Edo in temples and shrines there.
Ieyasu Tokugawa used this ferry when he went hawking.
Socho first landed at Imai during his trip to Boso Peninsula.
Jokoji is famous for connecting to a famous renga poet Socho and a sengoku daimyo Ujiyasu Hojo.
It is the first water park in Japan with Sakura in spring and hydrangeas
in summer.
It has some Edostyle Landmarks and thousands of Cherry Trees.
It has some wonderful seasonal views along this river.
It is opened along Sakongawa River in Edogawaku.
On the banks, many beautiful flowers blooming.