The Landmarks in and near Funabashi Daijingu Shrine

Funabashi Daijingu is a shrine called Oofu Jinja in
Funabashishi Chibaken. It has an old lighthouse built in Meiji Era (1868 - 1912) and a beautifully
painted gate like building called Tokiwa Jinja Shrine dedicating the Prince
Takeru Yamato and Ieyasu Tokugawa in it. Near Funabasi Daijingu Shrine,
there are Taihouzan Jiunji Temple related to Gyoki Bosatsus, the smallest
Toshogu in Japan called Funabashi Toshogu and Moro Jinaja appeared on the
last page of Edo Meisho Zue (a guidebook describing landmarks in Edo in
Edo period). They are very near Funabashi Station, it means that the most
of them are standing in business areas of Funabashi, so visitors could
enjoy shopping on the way to them. A walk in Funabashi Daijingu and some
spot near it tell the visitors the history and culture in Funabashi city,
and they have much fun for visiting. Why don't you visit them?
江戸名所図会6 ちくま学芸文庫
The Noted Spots in and near Funabashi Daijingu Shrine
It was an old shrine built by the Prince Yamato Takeru.
It dedicates the Prince Yamato Takeru and Ieyasu Tokugawa.
It looks maginificent and strong like a Japanese Castle.
It is the smallest Toshogu dedicating Ieyasu Tokugawa.
The principle image of it said to be carved by Gyoki.
This shrine is appeared on the last page of Edo Meisho Zue.
Ebigawa is a popular spot for viewing cherry blossoms.
This small shrine was built where Yamato Takeru had landed on.