The Heroes and Samurais Related to Ichikawa City

Ichikawa City where the provincial government of
Shimousa had been in classic ages many famous people in Japanese history visited
in and their stories in the city have remain as some legendary stories.
Nakayama, the eastern part of Ichikawa City is sometimes called '
Nichiren Town' since there have been many legends of him and
Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple has stood since
Kamakura Period. In Oono, the northen part of the city, there is a shrine dedicating
Masakado Taira, the hero for the samurais in the eastern Japan, and his legendary stories have remained.
Gyoki had come to the city to build
Kokubunji and
Kokubunniji in
Nara period, and there exist some his stories in some temples in it. The story of
Yoritomo Minamoto in the city could be found in Yawata. Moreover, there exist some legendary
stories and relics of
Oguri Hangan,
Dokan Ota,
Musashi Miyamoto and
Satomi Family in
Sengoku Period in the city.
A walk on the remains of the historical heroes in Ichikawa City is one of the best courses to know the history of Japan and Ichikawa. Why don't you visit them?
The Heroes, Great Men and Famous Samurais in Ichikawa City
The Founder Nichiren
Masakado Taira
Gyoki Bosatsu
Yoritomo Minamoto
Oguri Hangan
Dokan Ota
Satomi Family
Musashi Miyamoto